Influencer Engagement
Using Social Listening to monitor for untagged brand mentions on social media platforms, I identified an opportunity for Instant Pot to engage with a high profile influencer in the cooking content arena.
Nicole Enayati (@NHendizadeh on Twitter) works as a member of the Mythical Kitchen YouTube channel, known for creating engaging long-form cooking videos on their channel. Although Nicole only has 35.6K followers, Mythical Kitchen's YouTube channel boasts 2.08M subscribers.
Back in February, Nicole posted a tweet which joked about how complicated the yogurt function is on the Instant Pot. I saw this as an opportunity to showcase the yogurt tutorials featured on our Instant Brands Connect App, so Instant Pot replied to Nicole's tweet, encouraging her to check out the app.
At this point, Nicole mentioned that she did not have an Instant Pot, and asked if we could send one. While this would not be our standard protocol, we collected her information to send her an Instant Pot as a one-time gesture of goodwill. Prior to sending, we ensured we had selected a model that featured a yogurt function, so Nicole could specifically try it out.
Although we did not attach a stipulation to this goodwill gesture, we were delighted to see Nicole positively post about our product on her Twitter feed. However, the visibility did not stop there. On the Mythical Kitchen podcast, A Hot Dog is a Sandwich (ranked #26 in the USA-Arts Category on Spotify), they spent part of the episode "Are Air Fryers Overrated?" discussing how the Instant Pot is the best kitchen appliance available because of its multi functionality. This was then followed up with a hilarious TikTok sketch on the Mythical Kitchen account, where one of the other Mythical Chefs shows how the yogurt button really works.
Although it is hard to measure the exact impact of this effort, for the cost of sending one product, we know that across platforms and posts, we received at least 24.2K engagements, which is great visibility for the brand.